Philosophy for children and game: notes in a phenomenological key about the playful possibility of philosophize

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Alix Lucero Valest García
Jorge Luis Quintana Montes


The objective of the paper is outlining the possibilities of a philosophizing that, attending to the express phenomenological call that philosophy thinks from everyday life, responds to the doing of the one who philosophizes. In this case, if philosophy is thought in relation to girls and boys, the necessary coordinate of philosophizing must be what we consider here its privileged and ontologically defining form of interaction with the world, namely: play. In this way, and through a phenomenological-hermeneutic approach, the playful possibility of philosophy is highlighted in the paper, based on a Heideggerian ontological understanding of existence. The first section introduces the positive links that exist between the game and the learning process of girls and boys. In the second section, the Heideggerian ontological analyzes of existence are taken up to highlight that the daily dealings with the world structurally privilege, in childhood, the game as a form of spatialization of our relationship with things. Finally, and affirming the privilege of the playful relationship with the world in childhood, then the ontological-structural possibility of a philosophizing is highlighted that, if it starts from existence itself and from everyday life, in the case of girls and boys he must return precisely to his privileged way of dealing with things: playful philosophizing.


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