Nonviolence. Re-signifying human rights and citizenship

Main Article Content

Oscar Useche Aldana


The author of this paper questions the political condition of the contemporary citizenship from the hypothesis that the generalization of the Exception States have made indiscernible both rights and events, therefore creating spaces where the non citizenships; these can be habitants from different areas where anything can happen.

Following Giorgio Agamben's argument, the author points out that the use of these power strategies has made the live of citizens to be des-political; therefore politicising their deaths and making bio-polities as the main space far privilege reproduction in this society.

The imagined alternatives from Nonviolence point of view alternatively search to sponsor new innovative ways to re-construct the social weave, based in ethical-aesthetic paradigms that replace and redefine the modem conception of citizenship.

Author Biography

Oscar Useche Aldana, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Doctor en Paz Conflictos y Democracia, Universidad de Granada (España), Magíster en Investigación Social Interdisciplinaria, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Economista, Universidad Autónoma de Colombia. Director Programa Soypaz y director de la Revista Polisemia, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios. Líder del Grupo de Investigación Ciudadanía, Paz y Desarrollo (Uniminuto).