Contemporary subject and education

Main Article Content

Aída Sotelo Céspedes


The article places the contemporary subject in the midst of a tug al war between the current social structure and education in general, a scenario where ultimately alterity and subject arise. In this pursue the becoming of the infant and adolescent subject are described from different approaches such as psychoanalysis, developmental psychology and philosophy.

Different levels of contemporary experience are considered: in one hand, the educational relationship, the post-modern structure and its logic. The author deals with the relationship between the infant and adolescent subject, the father- teacher knowledge and the dominant market logic.

Amidst this tension, education takes on the transmission of conditions and boundaries that would both enable the making of judgments about reality and by acknowledging alterity, become himself a subject fitted to perform ethical actions. 

Author Biography

Aída Sotelo Céspedes, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldos

Psicoanalista, escritora, médico cirujano, especialista en ético, docente universitario y estudioso de lo cultura, dedicada o ubicar los campos del goce, del sujeto y del otro del lenguaje, mediante elaboraciones psicoanalíticos de las manifestaciones de la ético, lo político y lo ideología contemporáneos.

Ha publicado ensayos en los revistos académicos de lo Escuela de Estudios en Psicoanálisis y Cultura de lo Facultad de Ciencias Humanos de lo Universidad Nacional de Colombia; también en Esfera, revista de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldos y en Universidad, periódico de lo misma institución.