Agroecological characterization of Mayan orchards, José María Morelos and a community San Felipe I, Quintana Roo, México

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María Isabel Oble Delgadillo
José Nelson Montoya Toledo


This is a study on the aspects of distribution, uses and traditions of the plants with an agro ecological management in the family orchard or lot (solar), the area of the land or the lot, in which there are ornamental plants, edibles (fruit and vegetables), medicinal, timber and forage. The area of the lot is delimited by a barrier called albarrada; basic aspects of the Mayan lot are presented, identification of local plants and geographical distribution of the fruit trees, which are generally of a large size and are located in the bottom part of the lot, in which they provide shade and serve as home to wild and domestic animals. The trees are close to the house, as their large tops serve as shade for the members of the family, they are pleasant in the rest area due to the freshness they provide, and this space becomes the housewife’s kitchen, a place for important family events, as well as the children’s play area, and a meeting room for grandparents and other friends. The most important use of the lot is the cultivation of food and medicinal plants that provide a socioeconomic benefit for the family. Also, some customs and traditions are mentioned to conserve the lot inherited and transmitted by generations. The descriptive and observational method was used, from which the information of the owners of the lots was collected and to understand the way of lot management. Finally, this paper proposes to capture the importance of the agro ecological characteristics of the lot, together with its local
trees, and to continue to preserve the tradition of the lot, where a database on the use of edible, medicinal, ornamental plants was obtained, because families that own a lot use it in every way possible that provides an alternative source of livelihood, since the economic contribution of the lot to families is of 18 %.


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