Extensionism in the sheep production chain in mexico city
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Objetive. Evaluate the program of work of livestock extensionists of the sheep production chain aimed at small producers within levels I and II of the CDMX (those that have the smallest areas and livestock herds), with the accompaniment of the National Institute of Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock Research (INIFAP), to present the results of technological innovations that were implemented in the sheep chain.
Methodology. Quantitative research based on a descriptive analysis of the evaluation of results obtained from the application of various indicators to the data obtained from the research instrument known as the logbook (work record) field, and whose sample consisted of 81 ovinocultores which represent the total producers served by the extensionistas. Results. The achievements that were obtained by link of the production chain sheep were the following: for the case of production 94.4% of the target was reached, in transformation the most relevant results were obtained since achievements of 114.3% and 100% were achieved, With respect to marketing, the results were the least satisfactory, as 0% and 84.1% were achieved, and with respect to the organization, the goals were met at the levels of 42.9%, 27.3% and 50%.
Limitations. The extensionism program operates with annual budgets, which must be authorized for renewal, which implies a bureaucratic procedure that delays the start of activities and On the other hand, both the extensionists and the producers subject to care do not have continuity, a situation that does not allow for a medium and long-term follow-up.
Originality. The technical support - methodological and advisory activities were carried out mainly in twelve communities with low-income sheep farmers from the four municipalities (formerly delegations) of southeastern Mexico City: Milpa Alta, Tláhuac, Tlalpan and Xochimilco.
Conclusion: The technical assistance actions of the livestock extension workers covered four links of the sheep chain: i) production, ii) processing (industrialization or value aggregation), iii) marketing and iv)organization. Likewise, the technicians implemented eight innovations as follows: primary link, 1) preventive medicine (immunization and parasite control) and 2) management of childbirth; transformation link, 3) good manufacturing practices, 4) manufacture of meat products other than barbecue and 5) manufacture of milk products; marketing link, 6) fixed point of sale and 7) economic records for decision-making and organisational link, 8) association or grouping of sheep producers on the basis of their productive capacity and the unification of interests.
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