Styles of teaching and development of investigative competences in higher education

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Luis Augusto Cuellar
Esteban Muñoz Montenegro
Angel Zuley Pedraza Hurtado


Objective. To Investigate the teaching styles of some teachers and the investigative skills of their
students in order to characterize the former and identify the latter, demonstrating which teaching
styles promote to a greater or lesser degree the various research competencies through their practice in Classroom.
Methodology. The type of descriptive study was adopted and the research design followed was
the descriptive transectional analysis in order to verify the indicated variables. It starts from a
contextualization regarding the dynamics of Colombian education, especially, that of higher education, particularly in the Lasallista alma mater from the perspective of SIUL as a matrix document of research in its policy and mission. The theoretical referents that gave support to the approach of the investigation, start from the investigative antecedents of Colombian university professors like Hederich, Suárez and Oviedo.
Results. The general conclusion of the research shows that in terms of teaching styles, each teacher has characteristics of the four styles taken as a reference: directive, tutorial, planner and researcher, but there is one that determines their practice to a greater degree. As far as the investigative competences, they depend to a large extent on the way the teacher interacts with the students and on the degree of emphasis that they place on the learning activities in order to be able to favor those competences. All styles promote research skills. The results can serve as a point of reference for the strengthening and consolidation of hotbed of research in universities.
Originality. The Teaching Styles constitute a mandatory reference when we try to understand their
incidence in the tripodal relationship among knowledge, the teacher and the student.


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