Has the pandemic due to COVID-19 generated a digital gap among generations? Case: Colombia

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Esteban Durán Becerra
Nicolás Afanador Cubillos


In Colombia, as in the rest of the world, the disruption generated by the global pandemic CoViD-19 created a new standard that generalized the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), redefining the concept of in person.

Using the 415 responses to a survey conducted, this study presents a description of the effects of moderation by Sex and Generation (Z,Y,X,W) on perception in the use of digital technologies in the field of Colombian Higher Education finding that there is no gender gap, i.e. the perception of women and men is similar and , that the expected perception behaviors for children under the age of 25 are statistically similar to those of respondents over the age of 65


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