Development of the concept of autonomy in the plastic arts

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Néstor Peña Guarín


Art throughout mankind’s history has been beneficial of artistic necessities that differ from their nature and condition. Therefore, spiritual guides (wizards, sorcerers, priests, etc.) political leaders (pharaohs, kings, emperors, dictators, etc.) or anyone who holds some power has been taking advantage of benefits in communication and expression art provides.

In certain time the artist begins to step aside from this dependency, and is aware of the potential that art has by itself. After several centuries they enforce this condition becoming independent of these bonds, and proclaiming the autonomy of art. Creating harmony between the ways of thinking and understanding, that since the new aesthetic theories began to be made.

Author Biography

Néstor Peña Guarín, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Docente de la Secretaría de Educación de Bogotá, de la Especialización en Didáctica del Arte de la Universidad Los Libertadores y de la Licenciatura básica con énfasis en educación artística de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO. 

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