Artificial intelligence and its impact on social behavior: a scoping review

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Franyelit Suarez


This paper presents a documentary review of the challenges of artificial intelligence in today's world and the social challenges of coexisting with new technologies. For this purpose, a literature search was carried out in the leading open-access journals. In addition, a simple random population was surveyed using artificial intelligence and the possible impacts on social behavior. The results show that the literature aligns with the social perception that the excessive use of intelligent tools can be detrimental to people and that it is essential to be cautious with intelligent applications. In addition, it could be evidenced in the literature that social behaviors have been modified by existing psychological theories, the latter suggesting that social behavior is affected by other humans within the same society, but with the advent of AI, social behavior is affected in different ways, even when not in contact with humans, indicating that social behavior can be affected by human behaviors even if these are simulated by computer algorithms.


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