Philosophically thinking about teacher training as a space of coherence between thought, discourse and action

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Laura curbelo


This paper presents some reflections on the characteristics necessary for teacher training to accompany an education that promotes the development of critical, creative and ethical thinking. Education capable of fostering autonomous participation requires training that has developed skills to coherently unite discourse, thought and action in classroom practices, thinking especially about how we educate our educators and the why and why of training. Through some questions about the knowledge and knowledge legitimated regarding teacher training, our text proposes to resignify and resituate the processes inside and outside the school, with the aim of discussing the training of educators as to its validity, significance and relevance. The central axis is to rethink the formation of future educators, putting it in the perspective of communities of dialogue and inquiry characteristic of Philosophy for Children, from the hypothesis that research and experience enhance the creative side of pedagogical acts within teacher training, In this way, future teachers and teachers can resignify their conceptions of infancy and enable their authentic autonomous participation.


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