Are we more concerned with not making mistakes than with learning?

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José Alberto Romaña Díaz
Angélica Vier Munhoz


It is a work linked to the research group Curriculum, Space, Movement (CEM/ CNPq/ Univates), more specifically to the research project entitled The class as creation: interfaces with teaching, teaching and learning, aims to investigate the class, teaching and the processes of teaching and learning, taking it as possibilities of creation. This research is also related to the studies of the Postgraduate Program in Teaching (line Teacher training, curriculum studies and evaluation), conducted at the University of Vale do Taquari - Univates (RS/ Brazil).  Amid such insertions, the present writing part of the question: are we more concerned with not making mistakes than with learning? From this question we seek to think with the help of the research-event as Sandra Corazza, in the sense of tensing some images of an event of the praxis itself. Thus, error is taken as a possibility of wandering, of lines that deviate from the pre-established path, so that, through the enigma, the problem that we disengage, other images can be created. To this end, the classical discussion about error in teaching and learning is shifted and taken as an indicator of the creation of other problems, of thinking in other ways, of learning through the forces of signs according to Gilles Deleuze. It is believed that the understanding of error, as well as our concern with not making mistakes, more than with learning, could have implications in the change of the conception of error in everyday school, philosophical practices and conceptions of childhood.


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