Education as an overcoming of the contrast between the personal desire for well-being, the desire of others and the right, from Hegel

Main Article Content

Lyda P. Gil


Within the becoming of antithetic terms in the Hegel’s dialectic philosophy, specifically in the deployment of the Objective spirit, there occurs the overcoming of such antithesis through the reconciliation of the opposite in o pedagogical manner. This outwardly negative antagonism turns into o necessary way-through although it’s a determination of the spirit- as to develop into the Absolute in and for itself. Education overcomes the becoming of personal interests.  

Author Biography

Lyda P. Gil, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

lyda Gil es Profesional en Filosofía, actualmente adelanta la Maestría en Literatura en la Universidad de los Andes. Se desempeña como docente universitaria en UNIMINUTO.