Notes on resistance to word abduction

Main Article Content

Claudia Marina Benito Millán


"Community", "identity and difference", "Citizenship and democracy", "social fabric and multiculturalism" are some of the topics posit to reflect upon on this article. Community is viewed as a socio-cultural system with its own constituent elements: setup, identity and praxis. Community has different meanings and dynamics; accordingly they serve lo strengthen or re-establish the social fabric -not limited to spatial vicinity- based on the significant construction of their forms of living.

The analysis of marginalized sectors from the perspective of the cohesive factors within the social construct leads to an open dialog that enables the participants to create o common ground of interests acknowledging identities and differences for participation.

Author Biography

Claudia Marina Benito Millán, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Profesional en Filosofía de lo Universidad Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, Magíster en Filosofía de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Magíster en Antropología de la Universidad dé los Andes, Diplomado en Docencia Universitaria de Uniminuto. Ha sido docente en áreas de la filosofía y las humanidades en varias universidades de Bogotá, actualmente se desempeño como directora de la Especialización en Ética de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales de Uniminuto y docente de los programas de Filosofía de la misma facultad.