Human rights and dignity of the indigenous people from Argentina

Main Article Content

Ana Luisa Guerrero Guerrero


This text addresses the context on which the acknowledgement of the indigenous people in Argentina is achieved and it analyzes the meaning of the constitutional reform of 1994. The proposed objective was to show that the acknowledgement of the indigenous people as subjects of law implies changes in the physiognomy and institutional behavior of all the government levels, transformations that have not been created in a consequent way and because of this reasons there is still a lack in the conditions to properly attend the human rights of the indigenous people. That is to say, the strengthening of the democracy in this country requires the implementation of public policies that allow the authorities to give fulfillment to the constitutional text about the intercultural treatment between them, the indigenous people and the non-indigenous people.

Author Biography

Ana Luisa Guerrero Guerrero, Universidad Nacional del Sur en Bahía Blanca

Filósofa e investigadora del Centro de Investigaciones sobre América Latina y el Caribe CIALC, de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México UNAM. Sus investigaciones las ha centrado sobre la Filosofía de los derechos humanos y pueblos originarios en América Latina.