Descriptive analysis of logistics costs of urban food distribution in the 13th Street corridor

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Edna Yulieth Ramos Reyes
Juan Sebastian Villamizar Bernal
Leila Nayibe Ramirez Castañeda


In this article, the costs associated with the distribution are analyzed urban food. For this, the databases were structured associated with the road corridor of 13th street in Bogotá where what is found, the availability of information grows exponentially and acquires importance for the support of strategic decisions, for which the analytical proposal of data and the capacity that exists today in terms of data processing large volumes of information. The information to be studied is accessible through the RNDC, it is evident the absence of a descriptive analysis of the information on the logistic costs of food cargo transportation entering Bogotá through the 13th Street road corridor, which is the focus of study of this article and of great interest for the food commercialization industry, academics and the public sector. The general objective was the construction of an analysis of interest for decision making, since it allows evaluating the optimization of travel times, choosing the optimal route for food loading. Likewise, the specific objectives included the collection of database information, the analysis of the information collected through descriptive statistics and finally the analysis of logistic costs in food transportation. As a result, the most used vehicles were identified, the departments that transport the largest amount of kilograms of food, which is directly proportional to the values paid, as well as the type of food that is transported the most. In conclusion, the importance of the correct management of costs for the creation of competitive advantages in the industry can be seen.


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