Description of strategies to improve the quality of information in energy service orders

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Manuel Vergara Mendoza


The objective of this work is to outline strategies for improving the quality of information in energy service orders, when making decisions in organizations in a systematic way, allowing to obtain a quality process according to the needs of the customers. To achieve the objective, a pragmatic approach is suggested that allows classifying the different variables that affect the development of service orders in the dimensions of information quality.

Starting from the service orders where the quality of the information is not in accordance with the quality levels, these orders were analyzed in the last 10 months and inconsistencies in the information were found. Evaluating each of the variables established to analyze the quality levels in the service orders. The results of the proposed approach reveal that the accuracy, consistency and completeness are a bit far from the purposes of the organization, evidencing that the maturity of the quality is still deviated from being world class. Based on this, a series of strategies is recommended to the organization, the objective of which is to strengthen quality processes through continuous improvement and a culture of total quality. Solutions must start with the most critical variables associated with each dimension with a commitment from all the actors involved, in order to achieve a reduction of the negative impact it generates on the organization.


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