Comparison of four conditions of the labor risk system between Argentina and Colombia
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In the different countries of the world, occupational safety and health (osh) is of vital importance given the obligation to guarantee the protection of workers, and, depending on the country that is to be evaluated, there are notable differences in the rigor of regulations and implementation thereof. This article compares some important aspects of the normative measures on occupational safety and health that Argentina and Colombia have adopted, as well as the implementation methodologies according to the country’s own needs. At the same time, it presents the author’s reflections on the aspects compared and that are relevant because of the differences or similarities presented for each country, always bearing in mind that the common goal is to increase security to the maximum and reduce the risk probabilities that are in the work environment. In this sense, both countries must guarantee the protection and care of workers, in decent and healthy conditions, which generates new ideas that contribute to the process of continuous improvement of OSH without losing sight of the development and productivity of each one.
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