Flipped classroom: a strategy to teach and another way to learn physics

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Blanca Flor Mora Ramírez
César Augusto Hernández Suárez


The implementation of flipped classroom as a strategy to manage the learning of physics in students of Manuel Antonio Rueda Jara College, sought to improve the academic performance of the subject, supporting the development of skills through technological means that guaranteed online and virtual teaching spaces, where it was possible to extend study hours and communication channels; and considering that flipping the class involves reviewing low-level declarative content at home and that the practice, “involving high cognitive level”, will be developed in the classroom with the teacher’s advice. The study carried out had a quantitative approach of descriptive type, methodology that allowed to conclude that 86 % of the students surveyed were satisfied with the strategy. In addition, the academic performance of the subject was improved by 15 % for grades tenth and 17 % for eleventh graders, from one period to the other.  

Author Biographies

Blanca Flor Mora Ramírez, Colegio Manuel Antonio Rueda Jara

Licenciada en Educación Informática. Docente del Colegio Manuel Antonio Rueda Jara, Municipio de Villa
del Rosario.

César Augusto Hernández Suárez, Universidad francisco de Paula Santander

Doctor en Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computacion UNAL . Universidad francisco de Paula Santander.