Not everything is as we have learned epistemological obstructions of inclusive education
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On this occasion I analyze some fundamental oppressions that affect the academic genre indexed as inclusive education. To this end, I maintain that what we know as inclusive education is not such a thing. We only know a pseudoheuristic disguise that imposes the founding paradigms of special education, its didactic and epistemological model to strategically fill in a blank space. What we name through the phrase ‘inclusive education’ is nothing more than a system of arbitrary transliteration of diverse bodies of knowledge, categorical forms and methodological repertoires typical of special education, co-opting defining signs - identity and face - of inclusive education. We are in the presence of a research territory that wanders with great force through various academic structures, ethical commitments and political projects – many of them, of dubious reputation – without knowing who it is. The work concludes by observing that taking special education as inclusive education is making the same mistake.
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