University teacher feedback a practice of self-regulation of learning

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Brayan David Parra Martínez
Héctor Andrés Orejarena Silva
Hadder Uriel Acosta Salazar


This article aims to analyze the available literature on teacher feedback practices in higher education, taking into account
the implications of this concept in the relationship between teaching and learning. To achieve the objective, a qualitative
methodology is established through a narrative review, which aims to provide discussions around the indicated topic,
encompassing theoretical and context elements. Therefore, it is proposed to retrospectively examine the feedback practices,
explaining the options for the construction of knowledge through feedback, and the difficulties in the production of written
works and their impact on academic performance are highlighted. The information collected is organized through sections. In
the first place, a journey is made through the antecedents of the feedback, as well as its alternatives and models, highlighting
the proposal of Hattie and Timperley (2007); subsequently, an approach is made to reading and writing practices in higher
education, in addition to the generalities of writing centers conceived as interactive spaces to provide guidance to students;
and finally, final considerations are raised about the review of the formative assessment. It is concluded that it is vital to
continue contributing to the investigation of hybrid approaches in teacher feedback and evaluation, to strengthen research
in writing centers and to improve higher education institutions, a change that represents a reliable contribution to a reform
of the system. education of Latin America and Colombia.


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