Social support and housing structures in the quality of life of families in zone 1, comas 2019

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Lucia de Lourdes León Urraca
Yolanda Josefina Huayta Franco


The research social support and housing structures in the quality of life of families in zone 1 Comas 2019, objective was to determine the incidence of social support and housing structures in the quality of life of families in zone 1 Comas 2019. With quantitative approach, substantive type and non-experimental design. A population of 8751 families in Zone 1 of the district of Comas, a sample of 368 students extracted by probabilistic sampling. The validity of social support instruments, housing structures and quality of life was realized, reliability took with the results and the report of emotional support was 0.948, variable of housing structures had the value of 0.986 and quality of life of 0.950 indicating the Cronbach Alpha coefficient has very high relation and in inferential statistics the multiple linear regression test was used. It was concluded that, there is incidence of social support conditions and structures on the quality of life of families in zone 1 Comas, 2019, the logistic model is significant (p<0.05); it fits well with the data (Deviation with p><0.05); and explains 64% of the dependent variable quality of life.><0,05); it fits well with the data (Deviation with p<0,05); and explains 64% of the dependent variable quality of life.


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