ISSN: 2389-7341 / e-ISSN: 2590-7700

Inclusión y Desarrollo is an open access scientific journal, peer reviewed under the double-blind modality, whose aim is to promote the national and international debate on the construction of knowledge and understanding of processes of social inclusion and social development from different perspectives related to the social sciences, humanities and education.

This journal is published biannually (January-June and July-December), and primarily accepts research and review articles written in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. It also publishes contributions from research seedbed and opinion articles.

Vol. 11 No. 2 (2024): Julio - Diciembre

Published: 2024-12-18

Inclusion as a welcome

Jesús Alexander Flores Ramírez


Controlled-release cannabis nanocomposites:

a therapeutic and transitional option

Karol Zapata Acosta, Angie D. Vélez, Jorge A. Correa, Benjamín A. Rojano, Camilo A. Franco, Farid B. Cortes



Comparative Analysis of Youth Houses

Sergio Andrés López Martínez, Bohanerges Ferney Córdoba Medina, Hugo Andrés Rubiano Charry


Characteristics and Mediations in the Teaching of Traditional Music of the Colombian Caribbean

Lisett Maria Niebles Jinete, Nathalia Andrea Cardozo Mora, Diana Katherine Socha Frontado


Enviromental Competencies

Approach from a Conceptual Reflection

Eduardo Viveros Rodríguez, Dalis María Mina Rosas, Luis García - Noguera


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