Inclusión y Desarrollo (e-ISSN: 2590-7700) is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed scientific journal that seeks to foster national and international academic debate on the construction of knowledge and the understanding of processes of social inclusion and development from different perspectives linked to the social sciences, humanities, and education. 

This journal is published every six months (January-June and July-December). It mainly receives research, review, and reflection articles written in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. We also receive articles from research groups, opinion articles or essays, and book reviews.  

Vol. 11 No. 3 (2024): Special Issue

Published: 2024-09-06

Children’s perceptions of the parenting styles of their families living in informal human settlements

Yohanna Castro Rodelo, Luz Adriana Ospina Córdoba, Anlly Catherine Cardona García, Luz Danny Meza Peinado, Jaime Alberto Zape Alzate


Social determinants of health from a gender perspective in Venezuelan immigrant families living in Medellin, Colombia

Jair Eduardo Restrepo Pineda, Karen Galeano Rivillas, Diana Marcela Tabares Metaute, Ail García Fernández, Emilsen Rivera Soto


Rural women and participation in Medellín

Gleidy Alexandra Urrego Estrada, Jazmín Andrea Gallego Castaño


Incidence of the peace chair in the construction of citizenship in Ciudad Bolívar

Luis García-Noguera, Natalia Fernández Pulgarín, Julio Armando Ojeda Pérez


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