Electricity and GHG Energy Saving in 11 homes in the City of Quito

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Walberto Efraín Gallegos Eras
Rodolfo Jefferson Rubio Aguiar


The objective of this study is to determine the inventory of greenhouse gases (GHG) and reduce them, by controlling and saving electricity consumption in 11 families of students of the seventh semester of the Environmental Engineering career of the University International SEK, work done as part of environmental education, to mitigate the effect of GHGs, as the temperature and concentration of CO2 in the environment are increasing, the students implemented a program to control the consumption of electric energy within each family, work that was not easy, due to the little environmental culture of the members of each family, the evaluation period was 24 months (2017 and 2018). With the information obtained we have outlined the objective is to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that come from households, applying good environmental practices and educating each of the family members. This work was interesting because in the first place the parents were surprised by the work that had been planned to be done with the direction of the teachers. In order to achieve the objective, the collaboration of each of the family members was needed, a task that was not simple due to the lack of knowledge of what we wanted. In the end they realized the benefits and ended up collaborating in at least 95% of the members. This study allows us to recommend that this type of work be done at the level of homes, institutions of all levels, of this and other countries, to work from home in favor of the environment. It is certain that each member of the family learned something in favor of the environment, which in the future will serve both individually and collectively. In our case, as university students of the UISEK, these are subjects that will surely apply in professional life. The technical support to develop this document was with the methodology of good practices of the Ministry of Environment of the DMQ, the Ministry of Environment and UNIDO. The effort of each family and especially of the students of the UISEK, gave very good results, since it was possible to reduce the consumption of Electric Power by 20% and in the same proportion 20% of GHG, mainly of CO2. If we extrapolate this value to the entire population of this capital, the savings will be considerable      


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Norma Técnica Ecuatoriana NTE INEN ISO 140614-1:2010
Guía Metodológica para la aplicación de la norma UNE ISO 14064-1:2006, para el desarrollo de los inventarios de Gases de Efecto Invernadero en las organizaciones.
Manual de Buenas Practicas de la ONUDI
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