Caracterización físico-química del cuesco y fibra obtenidos del procesamiento de palma africana para un aprovechamiento eficiente de la energía térmica en calderas

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William Alexis Paucar Caiza
Rodolfo Jefferson Rubio Aguiar


In this study, the physicochemical characterization of the shell and fiber obtained from the processing of African palm was carried out in order to determine the optimal conditions for efficient use of energy in the combustion process in boilers. The shell and fiber residues were obtained from a palm oil company located in the coast region of Ecuador. The following tests were carried out: ash content, moisture content, grain size analysis, density and calorific value. From laboratory analyzes, results of moisture content, calorific value, and ash percentage were obtained within the necessary range for efficient combustion. In the granulometric analysis, the size distribution of the shell was determined and fluidizing tests were carried out in a fluid bed dryer in order to observe the behavior of the shell and fiber particles in the fluidization column. Fluidization tests were carried out using a certain percentage of shell and fiber. In the fluidization tests it was observed that it is not possible to obtain a homogeneous mixture of the shell and the fiber, as a consequence the combustion in boilers will be less efficient.


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