The project of modernity and the exclusion of what is different

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Silvia María Salazar Giraldo


In this article, we aim to reflect on how the project of modernity imposed on our continent since the end of the 15th century carries within it a network of exclusive and fragmenting practices of both human beings and nature, as well as of knowledge and ways of conceiving the world or worlds.


It is based on the theses of Enrique Dussel, for example, that of the myth of Western civilization that explains through seven points, how this project generates victims and sacrifices that he calls "barbarians", among other aspects.


On the other hand, it is mentioned how this hegemonic project “invented” what it called America and, how from there, a way of being-doing-being-relating-living/in the world was imposed, a situation that continues in the middle of the century. XXI,as a product of coloniality, an essential component of said project, its “hidden face.”


Likewise, it analyzes how the modern project places nature and culture as two antagonists, that is, the first as a barbarian that must be dominated, and the second as a product of the human spirit that must subdue nature. Thus, it contrasts the categories body –soul, inferior –superior, justifying the exercise of colonial violence of power.


This is a reflection article developed within the framework of a doctoral thesis work in education; Lastly, the importance of challenging hegemonic/modern discourses is considered, in order to move away from the Euro-North American-centric matrix and achieve the construction of other educations that start from the genuine gaze of the peoples, their contexts and memories.

Author Biography

Silvia María Salazar Giraldo, Fundación Intercultural Barule

Magíster en Estudios Interdisciplinarios del Desarrollo


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