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Contemporary society is experiencing one of its deepest crises derived from violence, pollution and destruction of nature and the forms of life that inhabit the planet, of course the school is no stranger to the strong crisis and it seems that this is found stopped in time, while the world advances by leaps and bounds, both in technology and in communication devices and spaces for interaction, in some cases it seems that it has been replaced and no longer has the exclusive domain of knowledge and is only reduced to the reproduction of knowledge, The teacher is a simple butler at the service of a system where critical positioning and research are conspicuous by their absence, which is why it is necessary to return to humanism and put back at the center of the debates, the need to rethink life and transform the ways in which we approach and relate to each other and to knowledge, starting with the school and the ways in which we discover new theoretical positions from other shores, different from the traditional scientistic methods, where art and IBA (arts-based research) also contribute to the construction of knowledge, beyond the mastery of a technique
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