Intervention in grief at the rupture of a couple relationship using conductive cognitive therapy, based on four case analyses

Main Article Content

Cristina Isabel Carmona Portocarrero


The study sought to identify the main responses to grief at the loss deriving from the rupture of a relationship, and the intervention techniques used to treat it, based on the review of four clinical histories. The common responses were agonizing dialogs on the role played by the other in the patient’s life project, and the harm received; guilt, transformation of the self-concept and the notion of love and partner. Responsibility for the loss is attributed to actions by the other party. When the separation is caused by infidelity the negation of loss is maintained. The principal techniques applied were empathy, clarifying of the role played by the ex-partner, emotional decongestion, deliberative guides on life, love, divorce, marriage, and dignity; re-structuring dysfunctional attributes of the loss, reviewing the role the partner had played and strengthening of self-esteem.

Author Biography

Cristina Isabel Carmona Portocarrero, Universidad Católica de Colombia

Psicóloga egresada de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Magister en Psicología Clínica con Énfasis Cognitivo Conductual de la Universidad Católica de Colombia.