Professional Internships in Teacher Education and Their Labor Market Impact

Main Article Content

Olga Lucia García Jiménez
Zaily del Pilar García
Ricel Martínez Sierra


This article presents the results of a research aimed at analyzing how professional internship is integrated into teacher education processes and the impact such practice has on the labor market. For this purpose, a literature review was conducted using the Scopus, Web of Science, Scielo, Dialnet, EBSCO, and ProQuest bibliographic databases, focusing on texts published over the past 7 years, from 2016 to 2022. The methodology was
guided by a documentary review approach, the Prima 2020 statement, and a quantitative-descriptive study design. In the sample, 100 documents were reviewed, of which only 9 articles contained content that aligns with the understanding of professional Internships as proposed in this article. It is suggested that professional internships should be a cross-cutting element in professional education, and a methodology for achieving such integration is recommended. Professional internships constitute a significant exercise that should lead future professionals to feel competent and have equal opportunities, just like any other professional. Finally, among the conclusions raised by this study, some of the challenges that institutions of higher education can address are outlined to strengthen cross-cutting processes that offer better and more options related to internships scenarios and exercises, thereby projecting impact and employment opportunities for future teaching professionals.

Author Biographies

Zaily del Pilar García , Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

The professional practicicum are an essential exercise, which complements the academic preparation received for any professional in training. This article presents the results of an research that had as its main objective. Analyze how professional practicum is articulated in teacher training processes and the impact that such practicum has on the labor market. It was guided by the documentary review approach, the Prima 2020 declaration and the type of quantitative - descriptive study. For the sample, 100 documents were reviewed, a bibliographic review was carried out in the Scopus, Web of Science - WoS, Scielo, Dialnet, EBSCO and ProQuest bibliographic databases and indexes in the last 7 years, that is, from 2016 to 2022. Only 9 articles express in their content an understanding of professional practicum, Finally, within the discussion and conclusions,it is proposed that the practicum should be a transversal axis of professional training and itself, it follows that it should lead to generate a methodology that achieves such integration.

Ricel Martínez Sierra, Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana – UNINI -México

The professional practicicum are an essential exercise, which complements the academic preparation received for any professional in training. This article presents the results of an research that had as its main objective. Analyze how professional practicum is articulated in teacher training processes and the impact that such practicum has on the labor market. It was guided by the documentary review approach, the Prima 2020 declaration and the type of quantitative - descriptive study. For the sample, 100 documents were reviewed, a bibliographic review was carried out in the Scopus, Web of Science - WoS, Scielo, Dialnet, EBSCO and ProQuest bibliographic databases and indexes in the last 7 years, that is, from 2016 to 2022. Only 9 articles express in their content an understanding of professional practicum, Finally, within the discussion and conclusions,it is proposed that the practicum should be a transversal axis of professional training and itself, it follows that it should lead to generate a methodology that achieves such integration.


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