Dramaturgy, history, past and fiction: a proposal for social change from the theater
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The eighteenth century saw the beginning of a revolution in the figure in charge of conceiving dramatic texts. Although the figure of the playwright has existed since Greek antiquity, it was in the midst of the German Enlightenment that the settlement of the critical and analytical perspective took place, which gave rise to shake the foundations of drama from other branches of knowledge. This is the origin of the notion of the playwright, as a professional who relates philosophical, scientific, political and ideological precepts as a driving force that allows the expansion of the function of the dramatic text and its subsequent confrontation with the spectator in the communion of the scenic fact. The present document proposes to relate the playwright's craft with the existing disjunctive between the official History of the facts and the creations of the field of Fiction that have given rise to them. Supported by different points of view, it seeks to legitimize the idea that dramaturgical fiction can also be a fundamental element for the revision of historical facts that question the past of a social group, its awareness of the present and the way in which they will face their future.
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