Sung narratives of rap in Buenaventura. A scream of resistance and opposition

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Rosanna Martínez Gil
Yeison David Angulo Valencia


Hope runs fast and leaves traces buried in the land of my people who have lived desolate, tired, scared by the chains of the past, and the days go by and ambition has not passed. The fragment of this Narrative Sung of Rap in Buenaventura reminds us that Afro cultures have lived through a long process of resistance in America since the discovery of America, a permanent struggle to keep alive their traditions, customs and worldviews anchored to an African descent. that becomes visible in the different cultural manifestations with which it expresses, shares, protests and transmits a great variety of knowledge, feelings and own values. These musical manifestations have undergone transformation processes without neglecting their identities, those that are nourished by cultural practices rooted in the territory, which is precisely the source of inspiration and the reason to highlight the situations that are lived in it, at the same time, invites Constructive participation to mitigate and resist the different scourges caused by social inequality, the lack of government responsibility and the lack of opportunities, among others that have not been able to subdue a people that has been made from the bases of resistance.


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