And how do we live? an approach to the concept of the founder in Heidegger

Main Article Content

Claudia Marina Benito Millán


This piece is divided in three phases: the first evaluates in general terms why Heidegger considers that humanism is another metaphysics or that all humanism was metaphysically established; from this the KHERE theory emerges consecutively to explore the fundamental requirements. The second phase studies the concept of modern science as the vital element of existence and, if in fact, it is the most vital element for the human existence. The last phase refers to Heidegger 's notion of a true dwelling. 

Author Biography

Claudia Marina Benito Millán, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Filósofa de la Universidad del Rosario, magistra en filosofía de la Universidad Javeriana, estudiante de maestría en
Antropología Social de la Universidad de Los Andes; actualmente es docente - investigadora del Departamento
de Filosofía y Centro de Estudios e lnvestigaciones Humanas y Sociales de Uniminuto.