Reflections related to autonomous learning

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Lyda P. Gil


This paper begins by discussing the following question: Is it possible to learn from autonomous learning in the pedagogic discourses? And therefore to analyze the relations that are established between authority and autonomy, pedagogic discussion and practical pedagogic, student and teacher. Therefore presenting in a concise way the conceptual and pragmatic dimensions that are founded in pedagogic discussions, such as power debates. All of this taking into account authors such as: Foucalt, Berstein and Mario Díaz. Also, as an example of a pedagogic debate within the constructivist model from Vygotski and Carretero's point of view. It establishes that the individuals self development comes from autonomous learning. And finally, to establish from a brief constructivist pedagogic presentation how the pedagogic discussion can suggest autonomous learning. 

Author Biography

Lyda P. Gil, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Profesional en Filosofía, actualmente adelanta la Maestría en Literatura de la Universidad de los Andes. Se desempeña como docente universitaria en UNIMINUTO.