The process of production of the creative thought and the management of knowledge

Main Article Content

Oscar Useche Aldana


The objective of this paper is to propose elements for discussion with regards to management knowledge. The author starts by describing the processes that made visible the great transformations in the work force and with companies. Nevertheless, for many sectors, knowledge is a blurry concept and difficult to manage.

The theme has validity in the sense that overall tendency is to produce non material goods and to unfold an administrative project established in the “knowledge management” that links the economic production to unpublished scales with the valorisation of social capital. In this sense, the social groups with the most aptitudes to develop itself will be those who will have the most social networks accumulated, as well as, trust in the organisations and those who re-signify and modernise their institutions. That is to say that it's those who incorporate the knowledge management to the construction of their own social capital.

Author Biography

Oscar Useche Aldana, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Doctor en Paz Conflictos y Democracia, Universidad de Granada (España), Magíster en Investigación Social Interdisciplinaria, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Economista, Universidad Autónoma de Colombia. Director Programa Soypaz y director de la Revista Polisemia, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios. Líder del Grupo de Investigación Ciudadanía, Paz y Desarrollo (Uniminuto).

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