Human species visibility in the administrative discourse

Main Article Content

Germán Escobar Aristizábal
María Edith Morales Mosquera


The authors contend that as o result of both the evolutionary process - phylogenetic approach, and of the development as a unique individual ontogenetic approach, the human being is to be considered in his threefold dimension: biological, psychological and social. However, the market economy, by emphasizing o pragmatic view in the organizational milieu, scales down these complex dimensions reducing the individual to a mere mean of production, and depriving him from his historical framework and role: pursuing human welfare.     

Author Biographies

Germán Escobar Aristizábal, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Es Economista. Magíster en Ciencias de lo Administración. Coordinador del área de investigaciones de Administración de la Corporación Universitario Minuto de Dios, Seccional Bello.

María Edith Morales Mosquera, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Es Trabajadora Social. Magíster en Educación y Desarrollo Humano. Directora del Centro de Investigaciones poro el Desarrollo Integral ClDUS, de lo Corporación Universitario Minuto de Dios, seccional Bello.