Reflections on the family: an approach for the construction of family policies

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Myriam Del Socorro Sandoval Erazo


In the article there is approached the topic of the necessary integral look to the family. The challenges appear to bearing in mind in the construction of family policies.

Of the same form, the family is assumed as part of the social woven in which there are expected from the States the political and juridical exercises to generate, from the participation, public policies that answers to the actual historical moment. Also, is tried to make an reflexive approximation on the construction of family policies, to make concrete them, in the reality of every family, and one emphasizes the need to start from own aspects to its vital cycle, such us experiences, social links, affections interfere. In this case, it´s necessary to see to the family of an integral way, without divisions, on to having raised aspects as the health, the education, the housing, directed the family arises the challenge of not approaching them in a disintegrated way, but looking that appear coherent as everything, just like the human being.

From a reflexive route, it is requested to have present, inside the social policies, to the family as social group, because it is there where it relapses and stops treads the organization of the society; of equal way, it realizes of the impact of the economic, social and political contexts. Of similar form, the quality of life of the familiar groups, they are going to specify the human resource with which the community counts. Therefore, it is necessary to assume it as the beginning and the constant of the societies, fundamental for the continuity of familiar life.

Author Biography

Myriam Del Socorro Sandoval Erazo, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Trabajadora Social, Especialista en Familia, docente del Programa Trabajo Social de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales de UNIMINUTO.