Annotations to the systematization of professional practice as a recovery of social work experiences

Main Article Content

Clara Stella Juliao Vargas


ln this article if is demonstrated, from the revision of the systematization concept and ifs differences with investigation, the importance that can represent, for the social work, the recovery of the practical experience, then felt giving him to this one, it allows to learnings and knowledge that without that reflection and interpretation on acting would be lost in the forgetfulness.

The recovery of experiences is a educable and enseñable aspect, whenever the formation process motivates and orients this work, when essential considering the obtained wealth to from the autorreflexión on practices it university and professional.

Author Biography

Clara Stella Juliao Vargas, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Es Economista de lo Universidad Nacional y Trabajadora Social del Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, Magíster en Economía de la Universidad Nacional, Especialista en Gerencia Social de la ESAP. Actualmente es directora del programa de Trabajo Social de UNIMINUTO.