Farmer struggles and strength on facing environmental conflicts in the rural reserve area of Cabrera, Cundinamarca: a territorial alternative to peace

Main Article Content

Bárbara Camila Silva Velandia


This paper analyzes environmental conflicts arisen in the Rural Reserve Area (RRA) of Cabrera, Cundinamarca, as a way of building social territory. One of the aims of Rural Reserve Area is the care and protection of the strategic ecosystem of the municipality. However, it has been experienced currently some socioenvironmental issues that have set Cabrera community on alert: there has been a clear tension due to a hydroelectric megaproject that is underway and threatens farmer practices, forcing them to be more awareness about their environment and developing some claim strategies. So, farmer organizations have becoming essential agents on promoting Rural Reserve Area as way of building a territorial alternative to peace.

Author Biography

Bárbara Camila Silva Velandia, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Geógrafa egresada de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Interesada en estudiar las relaciones socioespaciales enmarcadas en el intercambio y apropiación ambiental. Con experiencia en grupos de investigación, análisis de conflictos ambientales y asesoría para la ejecución de Planes de Desarrollo Sostenible. Organización y participación de eventos académicos. Conocimiento y manejo de herramientas investigativas como: cartografía temática, cartografía social, encuestas, entrevistas y observación participante en trabajo de campo con comunidades rurales.