A brief reflection of a pedagogical experience

Main Article Content

Leonardo Alfonso Bernal Prieto


The reflection of social practices is a need in a process of intervention in a specific community with the purpose to analyze pros and cons. Pedagogical practices tend to be analyzed within the context of a community with public education; as a result, knowledge developed by agents in their daily life is overlooked; in this case, people involve in process of intervention have the need to inquiry their immediate reality. The development of communicative skills in the middle of pedagogical practice can support other perspective of community work taking into account the need to develop a constructive dialogue in which theory and practice can bring back together with the purpose to build a democratic and participative society.
Author Biography

Leonardo Alfonso Bernal Prieto, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Estudiante de cuarto semestre del programa de Licenciatura en Filosofía en la Corporación universitaria Minuto de Dios, con grandes objetivos en base al desarrollo personal y social en su formación como docente de filosofía.