International citizenship intervention and the no-violent resistance in the Palestinian territories

Main Article Content

Diego Checa Hidalgo


This research article states an approach to the phenomenon of civil resistance against occupied Palestinian territories and the effects of non-violent support that is provided from sectors of global civil society. The civil resistance has a subordinated role mainly to armed fighting in the history of national Palestinian movement. However, this armed fighting has lately changed where non-violent fight prevails as a strategy of resistance. In this context, international citizenship interventions support those Palestinian movements that put into practice this resistance through the increase of their protection that helps their empowerment. Moreover, international interventions increase the peace culture and challenge the existing militarism that prevails at Israeli and Palestinian society.

Author Biography

Diego Checa Hidalgo, Intervenciones internacionales noviolentas en los Territorios Palestinos

Doctor en Historia Contemporánea de la Universidad de Granada. Historiador y especialista en el estudio de la gestión Internacional de conflictos desde la perspectiva de la Historia del Tiempo Presente, de la Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales y de la Investigación para la Paz. Trabaja en el Centro de Estudios para la Paz y la Reconciliación de la Universidad de Coventry, Reino Unido. Es colaborador e investigador del Instituto de la Paz y los Conflictos de la Universidad de Granada.