Use of electroanalytical techniques for the detection of heavy metals in The Ramada river, Tibaitatá village (Mosquera - Cundinamarca)
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The present investigation arises from the water resource of the Tibaitatá village, municipality of Mosquera, Cundinamarca. This fence belongs to the La Ramada irrigation district coming from the Bogotá River, having high degrees of contamination since it has passed through more populated municipalities and cities, being affected by the great problems of inadequate deposition of dangerous chemical waste (metals) having with it polluting agents such as are heavy metals, in addition to the fact that these waters are used by producers in the area as irrigation for crops.
In this sense, the detection of heavy metals in bodies of water was proposed through the use of different electroanalytical techniques for which a quantitative and qualitative methodology was carried out with an experimental approach through six work phases: 1 ) Location of the sampling site. 2) Collection of samples in the Tibaitatá village, 3) physicochemical characterization and identification of organoleptic properties such as pH, temperature and voltage, 4) use of the potentiometric technique for the detection of heavy metals, 5) Use of the microscopy technique electronic scanning using an elemental analysis probe by X-ray dispersion (SEM-EDS), 6) Analysis of results and the impact it has on the soil, 7) Socialization and dissemination at events.
The results obtained show that the water contains an acidic pH. On the other hand, in the electrodeposition process using the ITO glass plate, many metals were fixed in the percentage and elemental analysis using the SEM scanning technique in which it was found that there is a greater amount of parts per million of Cu and others. salts, belonging to the group of emerging metals. Now, it is necessary to point out that the low-scale potentiostat satisfies the need to detect and fix heavy metals in liquid samples and these salts also have impacts on the soil that have repercussions on the environment.
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