Improvement strategy for the post-disaster humanitarian logistics network in Colombia based on benchmarking with the post-disaster humanitarian logistics network in Chile

Main Article Content

María Camila Amaya Marín
Nohra Milena López Sánchez


This article aims to design an improvement proposal for the Colombian post-disaster humanitarian logistics network by applying a benchmarking with the Chilean post-disaster humanitarian logistics network; for the development of the same, three important phases were used, the first phase is divided into the diagnosis of the networks and their respective classification according to the literature; the second phase will focus on the construction of the graphs of each community, here values of centrality, density and relationship of communities will be obtained; finally the third phase consists of the application of benchmarking where data, results, analysis and conclusions will be obtained for the development of corrective actions that can be implemented in the future.

Author Biography

Nohra Milena López Sánchez

PhD (c) Administración. Magíster en Docencia. Especialista en Planeación educativa. Ingeniero Industrial. Profesor investigador de la Universidad Católica de Colombia. Líder del semillero de investigación INCAS de la Universidad Católica de Colombia.


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