Treatment of wastewater generated in the graphic communication industry using “Offset” printing. Study case

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Julian Felipe Gomez Murcia
Carlos Alberto Quiroga Barrios
Rafael Nikolay Agudelo Valencia


This work evaluates the treatment of effluents generated in the lithographic industry with the “offset” method, applying the coagulation, flocculation, flotation, and ozonation processes. The following parameters are measured in the water in each treatment process: pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), electroconductivity (EC), total organic carbon (TOC), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and turbidity. For each process, the percentage of removal shows the effectiveness of the process, and a cost analysis is performed for each m3 of water to be treated. The coagulating agent that reacted was aluminum polychloride (PAC), which removed 56.35% of COD, 52.14% of TOC, and 92.29% of turbidity. The clarified water obtained after the coagulation, flocculation, and flotation process and subjected to oxidation with ozone obtained removals of 32.91% COD, 94.54% turbidity, and 27.38% TOC. A spectrophotometric sweep was carried out to qualitatively confirm the removal of contaminants by changes in the absorbances of the samples. To achieve a greater decrease in COD and TOC, it is necessary to increase the ozonation time, and the pH of the water during the process and intensify it with UV radiation of 254 nm to increase the production of ozone and OH* radicals.


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