Sustainable gold mining: implications of the use of waste as an aggregate for concrete

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Efrain Casadiego Quintero
Wilmar Gómez Ríos
Edgar R. Monroy
Jeniffer L. Sánchez Londoño


It is necessary to extract a large amount of rock to obtain a minimum amount of gold, because the gold is scattered in part by the thousands in the deposit. The extraction process significantly generates solid waste product due to the crushing of the material, which generates waste from block size to sandy and fine granulometry. Most of the waste ends up as deposits on the surface or on slopes that generate the danger of landslides or damage to the soil, another large part of the soil material ends up being dumped into rivers and streams, which increases the rate of sedimentation and the deposition of heavy metals. The areas that are dedicated to the exploitation of gold in Colombia are located on the Andes Mountains, near water sources, which generates that a significant amount of water sources are affected, in addition, the mines are in some cases close to páramos such as the Santurban páramo, an important source of water in northern Colombia. The mines generate between 5 and 8 tons of waste per day, which makes the location of the material unmanageable. By means of petrography and X-ray diffraction, an important content of silica from quartz, plagioclase and micas was found.


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