Gap analysis of the biofuels sector in Colombia

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Karol Dayan Rey-Porras
Ginna Marcela Marcela Leguizamón-Nonsoque
Elsa Cristina González-LaRotta
Mauricio Becerra-Fernández


Within the framework of sustainable development, the proposal of seventeen objectives by the United Nations General Assembly has established development guidelines at the global level, which, in the face of the needs of change guided by the implementation of new alternatives for improvement and use of sustainable resources, highlights the need to analyze different economic sectors of the country. Based on the sectors with the greatest environmental impact, agroindustry faces the challenge of replacing fossil fuels, due to the constant problem of depletion and shortage of non-renewable natural resources such as oil. This paper presents a literature review and lists the main contributions in the biofuels sector. The objective is to determine the viability and analysis of the existing gaps in the biofuels sector in Colombia, with respect to the industry of six reference countries based on environmental impact, economic development and incidence on sustainability, oriented towards migration and use of sustainable energies such as bioethanol and biodiesel. The study has a qualitative approach to the possible internal and external environmental scenarios, which intervene in the agro-industrial sector, through four methodological steps that include: a) the analysis of biofuels in the world and in Colombia, b) a comparative the analysis of favorability with respect to the gaps identified, c) the application of the matrix of weaknesses, opportunities, strengths and threats (SWOT), in addition, the identification of gaps that affect the implementation of this measure under real contexts, and d) the result a proposal of improvement strategies of each of the iterations in the matrix, which is compared with the application of the causes and effects tool (Vester). The purpose of the above is to determine the problem that within the development of the study has the greatest impact in this field; establishing four points of comparison that are: raw material, land use, agrochemicals and, finally, environmental conditions of biofuels in the country on a large scale.


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