Hydrological simulation for sustainable drainage systems applied to vertical gardens in La Vaca wetland, Bogotá D.C.
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Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) in the area of influence of the La Vaca wetland are an alternative to promote the efficient use of water resources. For its modeling, three main components are proposed: Evaluation of rainwater harvesting areas, Hydraulic optimization for a vertical garden in Corabastos according to the hydrology and finally the Simulation of the proposed hydraulic system in the software Pipe Flow Expert. The modeling results suggest that implementing the SUDS on the Corabastos covers are feasible techniques since there is no period of complete drought during the year in the Kennedy locality; Obtaining close to 1,537,000 liters of rainwater per year that could be used from March to November without deficit, covering the needs of vertical gardens in the area and adding availability for other uses. Finally, it is concluded that this type of systems allow mitigating the damages to the floodable infrastructure, reaching enormous social, landscape and ecological benefits.
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