Design and simulation of an automated system for poultry production in the Guavio region

Main Article Content

Francisco J. Hilarón Novoa
Edgar A. Bojacá Garavito
Diana M. Bojacá Bojacá


Poultry farmers in the municipality of Gachetá manifest losses in the business of raising / fattening chicken, after carrying out a characterization process, the main causes are frequent interruptions in the energy service, 

temperature variation and the scarce rural labor force, many young people move to the city abandoning their production tasks. Due to the above and in view of the food demand, it is necessary to look for options to generate investment in the municipality in order to reactivate the poultry trade allowing the inclusion of technological development within the poultry breeding / fattening process, hence the need to generate a solution interdisciplinary (electronics-telecommunications-networks and systems) to design, simulate and implement in the computer laboratory an automated system for poultry production powered by photovoltaic solar energy, which allows improving production rates, mitigating costs and labor needs. The procedures proposed to automate processes involving variables such as temperature, humidity, solar incidence and ventilation are described as determining factors in the poultry production process in the municipality of Gachetá, through the development of web applications based on MySQL, client-side languages. and the server, the Internet of Things application, simulation and configuration of networks and systems. After the above, the monitoring and control of variables, storage of process information and calculations required for the solar system are obtained as a result, to analyze the real conditions, improving decision-making and thus ensuring business success.

Author Biography

Francisco J. Hilarón Novoa, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD)




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