Aquifer Resilience in Post-Conflict Zones in Colombia

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Laura Cárdenas
Valentina Bastidas
Jeremy González


This two-phase research initially seeks the appropriation of the term “resilience” to aquifers in post-conflict zones. Today, there are different applications of this term to different branches of science, but still, there is no characterization associated with aquifers. How can this concept be appropriated to aquifers? Is there any direct and indirect impact of postconflict to this concept of resilience? How can this concept be quantified? Well, this article will answer the first two questions that are part of the initial phase, which will use a descriptive-qualitative methodology through document exploration and field work. Once this methodology has been applied, the concept of resilience in aquifers and its impact on post-conflict Colombia, especially the area of Puerto Boyacá, will become clear, and then enter a phase two of EIA matrices and modeling that will answer question three in another document.


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