Authorship is recognized to all those who make a substantial contribution to the design of the research study, the development of instruments and/or the gathering, interpretation and analysis of data, as well as having participated in drafting, reviewing and approving the final manuscript. Authorship is not granted to those who only participate in fund raising, department management, technical analysis, surveying or administrative support activities. Those who participate in activities of this type and who are not authors should be granted recognition as collaborators.

The journal receives unpublished contributions from authors from higher education institutions, technical and technological institutions, research centers and social organizations. Articles submitted must not have been previously published or under review by any other scientific journal, except those in pre-print status housed in a repository and not yet assessed.

Articles are accepted that are related to the construction of knowledge and understanding of social inclusion and development processes from different perspectives related to the social sciences, humanities and education. Inclusión y Desarrollo Journal mainly accepts research and review articles in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. The journal maintains an open invitation to receive articles at any time..

The articles submitted must include the fully completed author identification table DOWNLOAD HERE.

Authors who publish in Inclusión y Desarrollo will have the following benefits:

• No charge for processing or publishing the articles.

• Assignment of a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to each article.

• Open Access to the articles.

• Availability of the article on line in PDF, HTML and XML-JATS formats.

• Inclusion of the article in national and international databases and directories.

• Articles with Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.

Research Article. It is the result of completed, rigorous and high-quality research that presents new findings of special relevance on the discussed subject and that has not been published previously.

Review Article. It discusses a topic of special interest and it offers an exhaustive review of the available literature within a defined time period. It indicates the criteria used to select the texts, the categories studied and the objectives of the study.

Research Seedbed article. (does not apply for indexation process). It follows the same structure as a research article, but all the sections are much shorter, because its purpose is to communicate in advance significant findings of a study in progress. Its maximum length is 3000 words. It is read and assessed by the publishing committee.

Opinion Article. (not applicable for indexing processes). It offers an adequately grounded discursive analysis on a topic of special relevance. Its maximum length is 3000 words. It is read and assessed by the publishing committee.

Research Article : Outlined below are the sections that a research article must contain.

a. Title. It must be brief, inform the reader about the topic to be discussed, and include the keywords in its text. No abbreviations, acronyms, dashes or exclamation signs are used. The title should have between 10 and 15 words, and must be submitted in Spanish, English and Portuguese. The publishing team may propose a different title for the effects of visibility, impact or publicity.

b. Abstract. It must be analytical in nature (mentioning the objective, methodology, results and conclusions), containing between 150 and 200 words, and it must be submitted in Spanish, English and Portuguese. The abstract does not include citations and must be written in a single paragraph.

c. Keywords. Enable potential readers to easily locate the article via digital search engines. Up to 5 keywords are allowed, separated by a semi-colon. It is recommended to use the ERIC thesaurus (, which specializes in education sciences, or the UNESCO thesaurus (, which includes terms of the social sciences, humanities and education. The publishing team may propose new keywords for the effects of visibility, impact or publicity.

d. Background. It provides context on the phenomenon to be studied, delimits the research objectives and mentions the working hypothesis. It also presents relevant previous research findings related to the issue to be discussed. Lastly, it provides a justification for the article, i.e., how it contributes to the advancement of the field of study (either because it fills a theoretical or methodological gap, overcomes the limitations of previous studies, or resolves the discussed issue).

e. Methodology. It describes the methodological design, the sample, the instruments used, the procedure, the data analysis and any ethical aspects (if applicable). The information must be clear and sufficient to enable other researchers to carry out the same study and validate the results.

f. Results. It presents the results obtained. Use of tables and graphs should be cautious to avoid duplicating information (avoid redundancy between text and visual aids). The interpretation of the results is made in the Discussion section.

g. Discussion. It interprets the findings of the article and compares them (similarities and differences) with the findings published by other authors on the topic. The discussion explains the article’s contribution to the field of study, indicates any limitations and suggests future lines of research.

h. Conclusions. It addresses the article’s objectives, emphasizing the main findings. It should clearly state whether or not the working hypothesis was validated.

i. Statements:

• Acknowledgments. The authors express their gratitude to those who have provided significant assistance in performing the research.

• Origin. The authors indicate the origin of the article (if it is derived from a research line, or research project, graduation paper or thesis), performance period and current status (whether it is an interim or final result).

• Funding. The authors indicate whether or not the project was financed and who provided the funding.

Availability of data and materials (optional). The authors indicate the contact person or location where the data are stored.

Ethical aspects. (if applicable). The authors indicate whether the project was approved by an ethics committee and whether the project participants signed an informed consent during project performance.

Conflict of interest. The authors declare any conflicts of interest and their nature.

j. References. It only includes the texts cited in the article. They must be organized in alphabetical order. The publishing team suggests between 30 and 50 references, of which a minimum of 50% must be publications made within the last 5 years and indexed in ISI Web of Knowledge or Scopus. Self-citations must be less than 10% of total citations and must be included strictly for academic reasons.

Review Article. The following sections are required in a review article.

a. Title.  It must be brief, inform the reader about the topic to be discussed, and include the keywords in its text. No abbreviations, acronyms, dashes or exclamation signs are used. The title should have between 10 and 15 words, and must be submitted in Spanish, English and Portuguese. The publishing team may propose a different title for the effects of visibility, impact or publicity.

b. Abstract.

c. Keywords.

d. Theoretical Discussion (by sections).

e. Statements.

f. References. It must include approximately 30 to 50 references from scientific articles.

For Research Seedbed articles, the structure must adhere to that of a research article. The format for opinion articles is flexible; however, an essay format is recommended.

Applicants should download the designated form for research and review articles, which must be completed for the application: DOWNLOAD HERE.

The submitted manuscripts must follow the following format:

Source. Arial font, size 12, single spacing (1.0 points).

Page. Letter size, with 2.5 cm margins on all sides. All pages must include consecutive numbering.

Format. Microsoft Word.

Writing style. Third person singular and first person plural writing positions are allowed.

Title: All titles, without exception, must be in sentence case (i.e., only the first word and proper pronouns are capitalized). The article’s title should be centered in bold face. First-level titles must be left-aligned in bold face. Second-level titles must be left-aligned, in bold face and italics. If third-level titles are included, they must be left-aligned, in bold face and underlined. There must not be more than three levels of titles.

Length: The maximum length of the article is 6000 words, i.e., a maximum of 20 pages (including title, abstract, statements, tables and references). No manuscripts longer than the above will be accepted. Longer manuscripts will only be accepted in exceptional cases, to which end the authors must include a new submission letter containing a justification.

Tables They must be made in Word using the Table option. The table title must be placed above and be sufficiently descriptive. The source (author and year) must be placed below. Each table must have a consecutive number in the order it is mentioned in the article. Any references to the table in the text must appear before the table. To this end, write the word Table with capital T followed by the number (e. g., Table 1, Table 2...). If any decimals are included, they must be separated with a point, regardless of the language. The information included in the tables should not be repeated in the figures.

Figures: They include graphs, diagrams, images and photographs. The caption must be placed below and should be sufficiently descriptive. The source (author and year) must also be placed below. Each figure must have a consecutive number in the order it is mentioned in the article. Any references to the figure in the text must appear before the figure. To this end, write the word Figure with capital F followed by the number (e. g., Figure 1, Figure 2...). If any decimals are included, they must be separated with a point, regardless of the language. The information included in the Figure should not be repeated in the tables. All figures, in addition to appearing in the article, must be submitted individually in JPG, TIFF or BMP format with resolution of 300 dpi (72) for correct downloading and viewing on screen.

Consents and authorizations: The authors are solely responsible for managing the participants’ informed consents (if applicable), as well as authorizations to use images (if the article includes own or third-party graphics).

Abbreviations: If a term is mentioned repeatedly, an abbreviation may be used, as long as the name is fully written out on first mention. Commonly used abbreviations should be used rather than those created by the authors specifically for the article. In any case, abbreviations should be used sparingly.

Note identifiers and footnotes: They are reserved for making clarifications or warnings about the text. They are never used for citations or references. The French system is used for note identifiers. This means that the note identifier is placed before a period, comma, semi-colon, colon or question or exclamation sign, but before suspension points. When the note identifier appears after the suspension points, it must be followed by a period.

Typographic resource: Italics are used to highlight words or concepts, rather than bold face or quotation marks of any type. They must be used sparingly.

Citations and references: This journal employs the APA Version 7 referencing system. For guidance, the practical guide created by UNIMINUTO’s Learning and Research Resources Center can be consulted here. The list of references should include all those cited in the text, in alphabetical order by Surname, and in chronological order when several papers of the same author are listed. The authors are solely responsible for the accuracy of the references. Include the DOI of academic publications and scientific articles. The & sign commonly used in English should be replaced for "y" in Spanish or "and” in English, in accordance with the original language of the cited reference. No citations of papers that have not been accepted for publication will be allowed.

Applicants should download the designated form for research and review articles, which must be completed for the application: DESCARGAR AQUÍ.

Articles are submitted through the Open Journal System (OJS) platform. The corresponding author must register at this link.

Important Note

Upon manuscript submission, the article identification form must also be submitted separately. The form provides fields to suggest up to three peer reviewers. However, it should be noted that they will not necessarily be the manuscript’s reviewers; the suggestions are subject to review by the publishing team.

The articles submitted must include the fully completed author identification table: DOWNLOAD HERE.

The articles submitted for publication are reviewed by academic peers. The peers are selected taking into consideration their academic track record, their expertise in the subject to be reviewed, and their publications. They are expected to have a master’s or doctorate degree related to the subject matter to be reviewed.

Aspects to be reviewed in the articles:

  • Title. It is consistent with the contents and objectives, clearly states the theme and is distinctive for readers.
  • Abstract and keywords. They adequately represent the contents and facilitate searching for the topic of the article.
  • Background. It adequately presents the article’s theme, highlights its importance, provides background information and clearly presents the objectives.
  • Contents. The hypotheses or problems are well formulated, the arguments are original and solid, with good theoretical and methodological grounding, and results and discussion are provided.
  • Conclusions. They are consistent with the introduction and the objectives, they are of interest, and they make new contributions to the discipline..
  • Writing style. It is cohesive and coherent, the article is clear, with correct spelling and adequate use of punctuation.
  • Charts and figures. They are relevant and provide clear and concise information.
  • References. They follow APA Version 7. They are relatively current works and related to the article’s theme.
  • Overall opinion.The article is current, original, relevant, and provides contributions with methodological rigor.

Special Issues

Inclusión y Desarrollo Journal publishes special issues derived from presentations at national or international scientific events.

The requirements for publishing a special issue are:

  • The event’s organizing committee must send a request letter to the editor-in-chief for the journal's involvement in the scientific event.
  • The event’s organizing committee must manage the receipt, selection, and evaluation of papers by peer reviewers and the event’s scientific committee..
  • The organizing committee must ensure that the submitted manuscripts conform to the article typology of the journal.
  • The event organizer is required to write the editorial in their capacity as guest editor.
  • The organizing committee must include the Inclusión y Desarrollo Journal logo on the event's promotional poster.

It is crucial to note that special issues are not considered regular issues and thus are not included in the journal’s indexing processes. This does not prevent the author(s) from linking the article as a product in Minciencias' CVLAC or in ORCID. The author(s) must register the event and subsequently link the article as if it were a record of this event. The special issue will serve as a record of the event.

Once published, the Inclusión y Desarrollo Journal will promote the special issue through social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) and in various databases and directories to aid in article citation.

The journal has established an optimal publication time of between 19 and 21 weeks, with the editing and publishing times distributed as follows:

  • Reception and assessment of the article by the editor: two weeks.
  • Initial review by the publishing committee: two weeks.
  • Acceptance and search for peer reviewers: up to two weeks.
  • Evaluation by peer reviewers: between four and six weeks.
  • Adjustments by the author: up to two weeks.
  • Style editing: two weeks.
  • Review of style editing by the author: one week.
  • Layout: two weeks.
  • Publication and indexation: two weeks.

Responsibilities of the author(s):

  • Provide full information on identity, nationality, institutional affiliation, CvLAC and ORCID.
  • Submit the article following the journal’s guidelines.
  • Receive comments from the editor and make the appropriate adjustments as soon as possible. In the case of several authors, the correspondent author shall be responsible for making the required adjustments.
  • Fulfill the ethical considerations established by the journal.

Responsibilities of the peer reviewers:

  • Evaluate the document following the editor's instructions and the provided format.
  • Provide detailed feedback in the evaluation to enable the editor to make an informed decision and assist the author(s) in making necessary document adjustments.
  • Carry out the task within the established time frames.
  • Submit the review using objective language, centered on the text, in a manner that contributes to the researcher’s professional growth.
  • Abide by the ethical considerations established by the journal.

Editor(s) Responsibilities:

  • Assure the relevance and originality of the article by using plagiarism checking software.
  • Define whether to reject or accept the article to move on to the publication proess.
  • Ensure the article is evaluated by qualified personnel within the designated timelines.
  • Communicate to the author the comments received and indicate the required adjustments.
  • Maintain the author informed about the status of the article.
  • Supervise the scientific quality of the contents, the correct use of language, and the presentation and design of the article for publication.
  • Supervise compliance with all the guidelines, procedures and ethical considerations of the publication.
  • Ensure fulfillment of the times and quality of the different phases of the publication process.
  • Carry updated files on the publishing processes of all the articles.
  • Respectfully address requests, complaints and claims made by authors and other members of the academic community.

The articles in this journal are published under the Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). This means that anyone can share and distribute the published material in any format. They may also adapt, combine, mix or transform it for any purpose, even for commercial purposes. All the above is allowed as long as appropriate attribution is given to the original publication and the changes made are indicated.

Once the publishing process is complete, all the articles will be permanently available to the public on line, both for reading and downloading.

Article processing, management and publication costs will be fully covered by Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios (UNIMINUTO). There are no charges for authors nor for readers.

The primary channels for distributing the journal and its articles include academic networks, social media, and the national and international academic community. 

The production and publication of duly arbitrated scientific journals requires the fulfillment of high ethical standards by all parties involved in the publishing process: the publishing institution, the editor, the peer reviewers and the author (or authors).

Duties of the Institution:

  • Maintain the integrity of all the files and databases of all the publishing products and processes.
  • Ensure that the editors, authors and reviewers follow all established procedures and that all decisions are guided by ethical standards.
  • Ensure that the publishing process follows strictly academic criteria and is not hindered for reasons of publicity, influence peddling or ideological biases.
  • In addition to subscribing the journal to SCOPE, provide the editors plagiarism detection tools, affiliations and courses aimed at strengthening the editors’ work.
  • Remaining abreast on developments in the publishing industry in order to introduce new practices that contribute to improving the journals’ performance.

Duties of the Editor:

  • The editor is directly responsible for deciding which articles will or will not be published. This decision must be made in coordination with the institutional policy, the publishing committee and the authority delegated by the institution to support the process. The editor must ensure that the published articles respect copyrights, do not commit plagiarism or defamation, and that the published information can be validated by the readers.
  • Ensure that the assessment process is fair, impartial, and completed within a reasonable time frame. Research articles are reviewed by at least two external peers. If they issue conflicting opinions, a third peer will be called in.
  • The editor ensures that the articles are assessed solely on their academic contents, with no considerations of race, gender, religious beliefs, political preferences or any other criteria. The transparency of the process must be guaranteed at all times, to which end all official communications must be filed and monitored within the platform.
  • The editor is responsible for adequately informing the reviewers about their duties, the fair and considerate treatment of the authors, and the rigorous treatment of the discipline.
  • The editor establishes mechanisms to appeal the decisions made by the peers or his own decisions.
  • The editor will by no means attempt to alter or artificially influence the measurement of citation mechanisms, and will not request the authors to include references other than for strictly academic reasons.
  • The manuscripts submitted to review, as well as the data and identity of the authors and reviewers, will be handled under strict confidentiality. The editor will not use the materials of unpublished manuscripts for any reason without the prior consent of the authors. The editor will not use his position to obtain undue advantages or personal gain.
  • The editor must disclose any conflicts of interest that may affect their role to the institution or relevant authority. He/she shall also refrain from participating in any decisions on texts written by him/her-self, his/her relatives, or any other party with business or interdependence relationships with him/her. In such event, an independent party will take over the entire process and will publicly declare the procedure that was followed.

Duties of the peer reviewers:

  • The peer reviewer supports both the editor and the author. On the one hand, he/she provides the editor sufficient grounds to make an informed decision, and on the other hand, his/her comments help the author to substantially improve the text. Both the document and the author must be treated with extreme care and sensitivity. The journal aims to publish rigorous texts, while at the same time to constructively contribute to the researchers’ development.
  • If the reviewer feels he/she is not qualified to review a certain topic, he/she must report this immediately to the editor. All parties are aware that the “time” factor is particularly important in the publishing process; consequently, reviewers are expected to assign high priority to their task with the greatest speed and seriousness possible.
  • All manuscripts must be treated with utmost confidentiality. The reviewer shall refrain from sharing the information provided with others, including any judgments or suggestions issued by him/her, and from contacting the author directly.
  • Reviewers are not authorized to use any unpublished material in their own research or documents without written authorization from the author. Reviewers shall not use the information provided for personal gain.
  • The reviewer will check for any potential breach of good publishing practices by the author, such as failure to include citations, plagiarism or data manipulation. Any type of anomaly must be reported to the editor.
  • The reviewer must be aware of his/her own biases and academic inclinations and will try not to let them interfere with his/her opinion on the text. All observations must be substantiated with evidence and logical reasoning.
  • If the reviewer suggests the inclusion of citations, they must be for strictly scientific reasons. Any suggestion to include a reference to the reviewer’s own texts is considered a conflict of interest.
  • The reviewer must inquire with the editor if he/she perceives any type of conflict of interest. Conflicts of interest include any friendship, family or business links, and relationships of competition, rivalry or subordination. The reviewer shall refrain from using information for his/her own personal gain.

Duties of the author(s):

  • The manuscript must be entirely the work of the author(s), and thus, it is deemed original. If any materials, texts, works or ideas of others are used, they must be rigorously referenced. The author has the moral duty of acknowledging those who have influenced his/her ideas. Extensive textual citations or paraphrasing other sources is considered plagiarism, which is therefore considered an unacceptable practice.
  • The author must have the data that support his/her publication and is committed to providing additional information if necessary, during a prudent time period of four (4) years. Data manipulation and false information are unacceptable conducts.
  • The articles that are based on research must faithfully reflect the work performed and explain the relevance of the results. The text must provide sufficient information on the materials, procedures and methodologies used. This will enable other researchers to replicate the exercise and validate the results.
  • The author must not submit the same manuscript to different journals, or publish multiple versions of the same study in other journals. The following previous publications are allowed: abstracts, theses or partial class notes. Such publications must be declared beforehand; failure to provide this information shall be deemed an attempt to deceive.
  • An author is recognized as the person who writes and gives shape to the text, as well as anyone who collaborates in an essential manner in the conception, design, performance and interpretation of the research. Other participants in the publishing process or collaborators in certain aspects of the research deserve recognition by the author under the “Acknowledgments” section.
  • The submission of the text must clearly state the person who claims authorship. Any change in this regard must be clearly justified and approved by all the authors, and the final decision shall be made at the editor’s discretion.
  • If the research required any approval by an ethics committee, or an informed consent, either because it involves animals or human beings, this fact must be explicitly stated. Any use of sensitive data must abide by applicable legislation on data management in Colombia. If images are used, the due consent to allow their use and publication must be provided.
  • The author has the duty of disclosing any type of links with companies, financial entities, or civil, political or public organizations that may benefit from the results. Any entities that provided funding for the project, contractual relationships, shareholdings, or any other aspect that may be interpreted as bias or influence, must also be disclosed..

Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios (UNIMINUTO) subscribes to the principles of the “Committee on Publication Ethics.”.

The journal considers the following to be bad practices: disrespectful treatment, providing false information on the authors (ghost, guest or honorific author), plagiarism or self-plagiarism, data fabrication, citations without references, manipulation of citations, concealing any conflict of interest, segmented publication of research results, submission of a text that has already been published, or an intentionally similar text. If the editor identifies any of the above breaches, he/she shall remove the article, and the offenders will be penalized by not allowing them to publish in the journal in the future, subject to prior consultations with the publishing committee. In the event of any claims, the publishing committee will study the case and make the final decision.

The journal monitors several measurement systems; however, these are not a determining factor in the assessment of articles or authors. The contributions are assessed based on their scientific contents and solely for academic reasons. Consequently, the journals published by Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios (UNIMINUTO) subscribe to the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)..

The following are some of the metrics we publish on our website:

  • Most viewed articles.
  • Articles most frequently cited (primarily in SCOPUS).
  • H and H5 journal indexes (Google Scholar).
  • Impact factor (SJR).
  • Rejection rate.

Authors are advised to actively promote their articles to facilitate potential citations.

Authors whose articles were rejected may contact the editor, who will provide details on the procedure to be followed in each case. Also, anyone who feels that his/her rights have been violated by the contents published in the journal should first contact the editor, who will make the appropriate inquiries and issue any required clarifications, retractions, or apologies.

Depending on the seriousness or complexity of the event, the case may be escalated to the publishing committee or the publishing institution’s Publications Department.

The authors are exclusively responsible for the article’s contents, and they additionally warrant that they have strictly observed applicable Colombian laws. The published texts do not represent the opinions of Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios (UNIMINUTO). Any use or exploitation of the contents shall comply with such laws in accordance with the licenses or authorizations granted by the the authors, as long as it fulfills the purpose of facilitating, disseminating and promoting learning, teaching and research..