Is an open access publication under creative commons 4.0 license. The journal welcomes contributions from diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives, which are unpublished and written in Spanish, English or Portuguese. The articles submitted must not have been published before, nor be under review by any other scientific journal.

Mediaciones accepts the following types of contributions:

  • Research, innovation, and research-creation papers: they present original, partial or final research results. The structure proposed by the journal must contain at least the following sections: introduction, methodology, results, and conclusions. .
  • Reflection or review papers: The reflection article offers a well-founded analysis on a topic of relevance to the field of communication, and the review article consists of an analytical and retrospective look at studies compiled in the literature on a topic that is considered of interest to an audience.
  • Reviews: They present a summary and a critical commentary on a publication.
  • Graphic, literary, audiovisual, sound, multimedia and transmedia works: Creations with an open theme, approached from different communication materialities, accompanied by a descriptive document of the work. .
  • Papers should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words, including footnotes and bibliographical references.
  • They should be submitted in Times New Roman, 12 point, double spaced, letter size (21.5 x 28 cm) with all margins of 2.5 cm.
  • The abstract should be informative and should not include quotations or abbreviations. Maximum 250 words.
  • Authors must fill out a form that will be sent to them by e-mail, once the article is submitted. This form must include: academic titles, institutional affiliation, current position, current studies, research group to which the author belongs (if applicable), the information of origin of the article, the information of the project from which the article is derived and the name of the funding institution, as well as the identifications of Google Scholar, Cvlac (if applicable) and ORCID.
  • All tables, graphs, maps, diagrams, and photographs should be called "Figures". They should be numbered and referenced according to APA standards.
  • For the Artifacts Section, authors should send the presentation document of the work in Word format and will be contacted by the editorial team for the inclusion of specific files according to the typology of the work.

Research, innovation, and research-creation papers should follow the following structure:

Title: should be brief and inform the reader about the topic to be addressed. Presented in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Summary, abstract and abstract: synthesis of the problem addressed by the paper, the objective of the research, methodology, results, and conclusions. Presented in Spanish, English and Portuguese. Maximum 250 words.

Keywords: between 5 and 10 keywords in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Provenance: name of the research project from which the article is derived and whether the project was funded or not, and who provided the resources.

Introduction: the introduction presents the problem statement, the object of the research and its context. Background review and theoretical approach used to address the problem.

Methodology: indicates the epistemological perspective of the methodology, the approach, the data collection techniques, and instruments, as well as the systematization and analysis process.

Results: the results and findings are presented.

Conclusions: critical synthesis of the results and discussion, as well as possible recommendations.

References: only the texts cited in the document are listed in alphabetical order, following the latest version of the APA norms.

Statements: this section includes:

  • Ethics and consent of participants: the authors declare that the project from which the article is derived followed the ethical principles in force and has the due consents and informed assents.
  • Conflict of interest: the authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.

Mediaciones requests that references within the article follow the APA author-date system (Muñoz, 2005, p. 154) and those references be included at the end of the article in alphabetical order.

Some examples:

Papers: Last name, A., Last name, B. and Last name, C. (2019). Title of the specific article. Title of the Journal, Volume(journal number), start page number - end page number. .

Examples: Ramirez, J. A. and Moncayo, L. C. (2020). Managerial competencies for engineers. Inclusion and Development, 7(2), 89-100. 10.26620/uniminuto.inclusion.7.2.2020.89-100.

Printed Book: Last name, N. (year). Title of work. Publisher.

Digital book: Last name, N. and Last name, N. (year). Title of the book. Publisher. DOI or URL.

Example: Huerta, M. (2015). La estrategia en el aprendizaje. Editorial Magisterio.

Book chapter: Last name Author, N. N. (year). Title of chapter or entry in N. Surname Editor (Ed.), Title of book (xx ed., Vol. xx, pp. xxx-xxx). Publisher.

Example: Rentería Salazar, P. (2006). The beginning of renewal. In M. A. Flórez Góngora (Ed.), Bogotá: Renovación Urbana, Renovación Humana (pp. 80-100). Empresa De Renovación Urbana.

Articles submitted for publication will undergo an initial review by the editorial team to determine their relevance to the journal's focus and will be analyzed by means of text similarity detection software. Subsequently, they will be evaluated by at least two peer reviewers using the double-blind peer review procedure, for which the identities of the authors and reviewers are kept confidential.

The decision on the acceptance of the article will be informed within a maximum period of 3 months from its submission. Inclusion of the article will depend on compliance with the entire editorial process, which includes following the rules for authors, review by the editorial committee and peers, any modifications that may be necessary, and compliance with all ethical aspects.

Article evaluation format

The costs for the processing, handling and publication of papers are entirely assumed by the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, and do not constitute any charge for authors or readers.

The journal may print some copies of each edition for legal deposit and marketing purposes. Its main distribution channel is our academic networks, social networks and national and international academic community. We use digital marketing strategies through our website, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Youtube.

In addition to the legal deposit made at the National Library of Colombia, the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO- has an institutional archive, 'Alfresco, where all editions of the Revista Mediaciones are stored.

The papers published in Mediaciones are under the Atribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) This means that anyone can share and distribute the published material under any format. Also, adapt, combine, mix or transform it for any purpose, even commercial. All the above is permitted, as long as proper credit is given to the original publication and changes are indicated. .

Once the editorial process is completed, all articles will be immediately and permanently online, available to the public, both for reading and downloading.

The content of the papers is the sole responsibility of the authors, who also guarantee that the paper were created in strict compliance with applicable Colombian legislation. What is published does not represent the opinion of Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO. Any use and exploitation of the content will be subject to the referred legislation in accordance with the licenses or authorizations granted by the authors, as long as the purpose of facilitating, disseminating and promoting learning, teaching and research is fulfilled.

The authors shall declare that they are the owners of the patrimonial rights and that they have not contracted and will not contract commitments or encumbrances of any kind. The authors must sign a license of use in favor of the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, in which they declare that the work is original and unpublished and was made without violating or usurping third party copyrights. Likewise, I (we) declare that all textual quotations, paraphrases and bibliographical references are duly identified within the text; and that it does not contain defamatory statements against third parties, nor contrary to public order and good customs. This license does not include the moral rights that the author has over the work, which will remain with the author, in accordance with the rules governing the matter. The publication of contents in Mediaciones does not represent royalties for contributors.

Article availability and archiving

All published articles are freely available through the https://URLDELAREVISTA/issue/archive website.
All interested readers can register on the web page https://URLDELAREVISTA/login, by doing so they will be notified each time an issue is published and will receive the Table of Contents by e-mail.
The galley proofs of the articles (PDF) are stored in the Institutional Repository of the Universidad Minuto de Dios.
Authors are invited to store copies of the published article in their respective institutional repositories or personal websites, with the objective of broadening the dissemination of the new knowledge generated. It is requested that it be the version edited and published by the Journal.

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